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How Does Matrix MLM Plan Works?

The popular matrix mlm plans are 2*12, 4*7, 5*7, and 3*9. The plan works by adding the default members to the first level and everyone else you sign up after the completion of the first level will spill over into the next level, and perhaps to deeper levels as per the plan. If you choose 3*3 matrix plan, you can recruit three members to the first level and the rest will spill over to later levels with a depth of three level. Here the matrix said to have three numbers in width as well as in depth.

Matrix MLM Software Compensations

    • Sponsor Bonus
    • Matching Bonus
    • Level Commissions
    • Position Bonus
    • Matrix Bonus

Sponsor Bonus

Just as the other MLM software plans, the Matrix mlm compensation plan also has a sponsor bonus. Earning bonus when recruiting new members to the network. MLM companies usually introduce sponsor bonus to motivate the members for adding new members to the existing network. Bonus earned after filling up the first level.

Epixel matrix mlm software is having an option to change the percentage of sponsor bonuses. The sponsor bonus rule is configurable from the back office.

Matching Bonus

    In most of the matrix MLM plan, the “matching bonuses” are defined by the different set of rules based on company’s compensation policies. Matching bonuses are certain extra benefits for the sponsors. When a new member gets any compensation like Matrix bonus, his sponsor will also get a certain percentage of that amount. Epixel MLM Matrix Software is flexible enough to reconfigure in accordance with the company rules and ideas.

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Level Commission

In Matrix MLM plan the level commission is the amount of profit or bonus that people earn by adding new members. This works when the first three members add new users and gain sponsor bonus and the next level members add three new users to earn some other bonus. This depends on the MLM compensation plan and can be extended till the nth level.

In Epixel matrix MLM software the level compensation configurable to certain Width x Height. Business Administrators can configure different percentage rates from the back-office.